Follow the Journey

The world-famed publication National Geographic has disappeared from the Ukrainian media space, leaving few options for fans of intellectual media and geographic discoveries. Until now.
We are honored to present you a young up-and-coming project – meet UKRAЇNER.
How much do we know about Ukraine in its diversity, in its everyday life of people in small cities and villages, the same people who help the country evolve as a whole? In the past decades, Ukrainians have been migrating toward urban centres, moving to cities and gradually leaving their land behind. The stories of small abandoned settlements do not attract any particular media attention. Rather, they are kept in family archives and vanish from living-memory over time.
Ukraine is a focus of world media mainly because of current political and economic issues, plainly put – war. Nevertheless, a number of foreign visitors describe Ukraine differently. They view Ukraine as an unexpectedly interesting, unpredictable, and very colourful land that belies all stereotypes.
But how do Ukrainians see their country? On the one hand, we still hear negative comments from those who come from abroad, comparing Ukraine to European countries. On the other hand, many Ukrainians have never even crossed the borders of their own region. And those who travel a lot around Ukraine may have noticed how little we actually know about other regions, or even the country as a whole.
In order to change this, Ukrainer was a founded, a new media project aimed to discover who Ukrainians really are. Ukrainer shares stories about the most remote places, interesting people, traditional arts and crafts, and food. It presents stories about all of us, and encapsulates the best about Ukraine for both Ukrainians and foreigners. Created by a team of volunteers in Ukraine and abroad, people with diverse backgrounds and skills but with a shared vision, Ukrainer showcases the country in its best light. So far, the expedition has lasted 18 months and embraced 14 historical regions of Ukraine, from Slobozhanshchyna to Podillya, from Volyn to Tavria, in all their natural glory and cultural diversity.
Join What’s On as we hang on to the coattails of Ukrainer, to learn the secrets that make this land as fabulous, sometimes infuriating, but always as fascinating as it is.
Our special thanks for all the materials belongs to Ukraїner team.
Watch for more articles in the Issue 6.