On 15 November, Pickard Group together with The Ukrainian Connoisseur Club, Kyiv Lions Club, and Fryday Kyiv held a charity event at Quanto Costa restaurant called “Roll up roll up to Terry’s comical and illustrated presentation”. The evening featured stories of the 25-year Kyiv expat, founder and chairman of international real estate consultant the Pickard Group quite a hoot.
Back in the early 90s, I was negotiating to buy a property for a client to lease on particularly good terms which was apparently owned by a mafia group. When they discovered how good the deal was they wanted to lease not sell. So, at 22.00 one evening, two very bulky pistol carrying gentlemen knocked at my door and ‘requested’ that I should accompany them to meet their boss. I did. The meeting ended amicably with them paying me a reasonable introduction fee.