Fairytales to Music

Sleeping Beauty (UA, music, literature, and art performance)
14 October at 12.00
Kyiv Conservatory
(Arkhitektora Horodetskoho 1-3/11)
A well-known Ukrainian actress and popular TV presenter will narrate a famous fairytale, accompanied by Kyiv Camerata performing Tchaikovsky’s masterpieces. This blend of music and literature will be further enhanced with stunning water animation and sand art shows – the genres will merge on one big screen, on one big stage. Ebru, an ancient technique of painting on water, resembles mosaics of dancing colours in the world of children’s fantasies. Sand drawings serve to add more dynamics and precise silhouettes to the unravelling plot. Musical pictures will be evoked with sand, water, and your imagination. Can you think of a better way to have fun with your children?
110 – 375 UAH