Five Ukrainians Make Forbes 30 Under 30

Each year, Forbes, the U.S. business magazine, releases its 30 Under 30 lists, celebrating young visionaries around the world. Through nominations, reporting, and a panel of judges, the lists are put together. This year’s Europe list features five Ukrainians: Alyona Savranenko, Elina Svitolina, Victoria Repa, Anna Polishchuk, and Stas Matviyenko.
Savranenko, known as Alyona Alyona official, is “redefining what a rapper looks and sounds like,” as explained by Forbes. Elina Svitolina official is one of the top tennis players in the world, plus her foundation creates opportunities for young tennis players. Repo is CEO and cofounder of the BetterMe career health and fitness apps. Polishchuk and Matviyenko are cofounders of Allsetnow, a platform that lets restaurant customers pre-order and pre-pay for meals.
In times like these, celebrating people’s accomplishments is the perfect pick-me-up. Congrats to all!