Georgian Legend (GE, folk music and dance show)

Feast for the Eyes and Ears
Palace Ukraine (Velyka Vasylkivska 103)
16 November at 19.00
You have to be born Georgian to dance Georgian-style. The male talents demonstrate their explosive strength and fiery masculinity as they leap defying gravity, spin on their knees, and prance on-point, with plenty of twists and turns. In contrast, the female dancers effortlessly float like swans on the stage, with their moves full of grace and dignity. Georgian Legend is a spectacular performance that blends music, choreography and cutting-edge technology to tell an inspiring story of the Georgian nation – proud, generous, and independent. After taking the world by storm, the famous dancers make a one-night stop in Kyiv to treat you to a show filled with energy, passion and mastery.
Tickets: 200-1 450 UAH