Ever Wonder What Lurks Beneath the City?

If you have a penchant for something way out of the ordinary, we’ve got the underground tour for you.
The Askold drainage system was built in the 1850s, on the site where, according to legend, the first Christian ruler of Kyiv Prince Askold was treacherously killed. If that doesn’t strike your curiosity, here are some other things you will see and learn on this underground tour:
– You will find out how to get in through the underground waterfall and not get wet;
– You can look to the corridor karst;
– Under the fortress you will find the mystic theatre;
– You can inspect a plantation of rare fungi;
– You can discover the mystic theater under the fortress;
– You will See Kyiv The “Underground Spaceport”;
– You can visit of the caves under the Pechersk hills;
– You can see the remains of the “Royal corridor”;
– Or find secret corridors to “the Tomb of Askold”;
Sounds like your idea of fun? Check it out: