New-Style Old Legend

Orpheus and Eurydice Forever (UA, electro-rock opera)
21 October at 19.00
Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)
Enjoy another interpretation of one of the most soul-touching Greek myths about love. Composed by a Ukrainian talent, this stunning show blends the ancient tale with sophisticated music, contemporary electronic sounds, and a live symphonic orchestra comprising more than 70 instruments. This world-class and innovative production features a large academic choir boasting powerful vocal skills of a wide range – you will be immensely impressed by Eurydice’s warm sensual soprano, Orpheus’ crystal-clear voice and the deep mystical chanting of the Prince of Darkness himself. The rock opera has already been performed on the best stages in Europe, Asia, the US, and in the UAE. Don’t miss it as it comes to Kyiv this autumn.
150 – 2 000 UAH