The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine presented the Chamber Antimonopoly Roadmap

On 23 February, the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine held a meeting with Yuriy Terentyev, Chairman of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU).
The meeting with Terentyev was focused on a strategic document, prepared by the Chamber Antimonopoly Working Group, The Chamber Antimonopoly Roadmap. The document consists of issues identified by business in the main areas of AMCU focus, in particular: investigations of violations of the legislation on protection of economic competition, anti-competitive actions of public bodies, as well as proposed solutions for these issues.
In his opening remarks, Yuriy Terentyev stated that he supports 99% of the Chamber proposals. He also highlighted that the AMCU is currently in the process of analysing disparities between current ukrainian legislation compared to European legislation.