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Top 5 News Stories 22 June

Top 5 News Stories 22 June

1. As of 21 June, Ukraine currently has 36 560 confirmed cases of COVID-19. Of those, 735 were diagnosed in the last 24 hours. So far, 1 002 people have died while 16 509 have recovered. Lviv, Rivne, and Zakarpattia oblasts have the most confirmed cases (101, 96 and 80 respectively). Kyiv has 73 new cases confirmed.

2. Ukrainians want Netflix to have their shows dubbed or subtitled in Ukrainian, and have signed a petition in support. So far, nearly 30 000 people have already signed.

3. The Kyiv Regional State Administration states that Kyiv oblast may go back to severe quarantine restrictions. If the epidemic situation keeps getting worse over a three-day perdiod, previous quarantine alleviations will be abolished.

4. Starting 1 July, Kyiv, Lviv, and Odesa will begin flights with Turkish Airlines. Planes from Istanbul will fly 10 times a week to Kyiv, seven times to Odesa, and five to Lviv.

5. Ukrainian Football Club Shakhtar has won the Ukrainian Premier League title. This is the fourth time in a row that the club gets this title. The match was hosted at Olimpiiskyi Arena in Kyiv where Shakhtar beat Alexandria 3:2 on Matchday 27.

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