Drommel Takes Recycling in Ukraine to the Next Level

Finding the best way to dispose of junk and garbage during quarantine poses a great challenge. That is exactly why Drommel Furniture has launched an initiative with NowasteUkraine (NWU) for Kyiv citizens.
Naturally, self isolation makes us have more things to get rid of, such as disposable bags after food delivery or empty boxes from online purchases. And then there’s also the stuff people find at home, realising maybe they don’t need it after all. No Waste Ukraine gives us the opportunity to recycle these materials instead of simply filling a dumpster. You can see the full list of what can be recycled by NWU at nowaste.com.ua/sort-station.
So how exactly does the No Waste Ukraine system work? The process is rather straightforward: you collect everything you want them to take away, clean and dry it, put everything in a 120-litre (about 31 gallons) trash bag, fill out a form, and wait eight or nine days for it to be picked up. The courier can take only two trash bags, with a cost of 200 UAH each, but for Drommel customers, there is no cost! This offer will be available until 30 June. The furniture company put out a step-by-step guide on its site
For those who live at far-away spots in Kyiv or in the suburbs this is not only a neat feature but a simple necessity and one of the only ways to recycle. However, if you live 40 to 50 kilometres from Kyiv, then the way to make use of this feature is to get in contact with your neighbours, explain to them why recycling matters, collect at least 20 bags as a result of this amazing cooperation, and then contact a courier.
However, there is one downside as to how NWU works. Some plastic is burned instead of recycled, which could mean more carbon dioxide emissions and increasing temperatures. Therefore, a person has to choose between their plastic polluting the soil or the atmosphere. This is a debatable issue and a choice one has to make for themselves. After all, recycling is not a thing to be done mindlessly.