Enjoy the Bouquet Kyiv Stage Festival 2020

The third festival of high art Bouquet Kyiv Stage-2020 will take place in Kyiv. Traditionally, the event will bring together fans of music, literature, visual arts, and theater in the garden of “Sophia Kyivska”. The slogan of the festival is “Life goes on!”, And the focus theme is “City of Masters”. In total, about 40 events are planned, some of which will be broadcast online. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the organizers will adhere to all the rules and recommendations of the Ministry of Health during the festival.
“A dramatic situation that we have been going through for the past few months has exposed numerous pressure points and value strata alike, on a global scale and in the life of each person. Everything alive – wildlife, human relations, spoken words, live music and art – has become of great value, and I would even say that it has become a huge luxury. Because words ‘alive’, ‘live,’ and the word ‘life’ itself share the same root.” – explains Iryna Budanska.
The Third Bouquet is going to be a festival of premières. Theatre component will be represented by a theatrical and musical performance “Babyn Yar”.
Visual programme will be comprised of art exhibitions, with the focus on the artists of the1960s, as well as projects straddling visual art and state-of-the-art technologies.
Yevhen Utkin, the founder of the Bouquet Kyiv Stage, invites you to visit traditional hard talks under the ash tree. The theme of this year’s hard talks is “Life Goes On!” Outstanding speakers and everyone who is fond of thoughtful conversations and interesting discussions will meet in the shadow of a two-hundred-year-old ash tree growing in the garden of “St. Sophia of Kyiv”. This is going to be a territory where new meanings will be generated and ideas will be exchanged, a place where inspiration will be born.
Literature, a new component of the festival, will be represented by dialogues with writers and intellectuals, publishers and translators about the interaction of the individual and the city. The key expected event is a poetry marathon.
This year a traditional programme for kids will consist of theatrical performances, creative master classes and educational interactive events. The target audience spans different age groups, from infants to teenagers.
In all, 40 events have been scheduled, with a part of them streamed online. So anyone in anypart of the globe will be able to access a magnificent space, imbued with art and inspiration.
Admission to festival events is FREE, subject to a ticket to the museum. Due to the quarantine, there will be restrictions on the number of guests granted entry at one time. Pre-register to make sure you get a place!
When: 20-25 August
Where: the National reserve “Sophia Kyivska”, Volodymyrska 24
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