Vero Vero – Back Up and Running!

“In vino veritas” – in wine there is truth. It’s a Latin phrase that exists across all cultures and languages, with the local variant going something like “what the sober one has in his mind the drunk has on his tongue”.
Vero Vero is a little Italian eatery found in the depths of Podil, not unlike something you might find among any little corner in the Mediterranean. Small buildings have been erected with panes of stained glass among the walls, where those brave enough to forgo the cold are sitting and enjoying glasses of wine, plates of Italian delicacies, and the silent black and white cinema that plays on the screen at the back of the promenade, with a massive fountain that flows amid it all. Should the weather prove too unpleasant, you’ll find a warm place to eat, drink, and be merry at the indoor option just across the street instead. Inside, is almost as inviting – booths line the front hall where potted greenery greet the sun along windowsills during the day. There is a second hall off the kitchen with a third much smaller hall for private affairs at the back of the venue. Among it all, the staff at Vero Vero work well together – something you don’t see very often in this dog eat dog city.
Here you will find the regular Italian fare as option, including soups and salads, all kinds of pizza and pasta. A favourite often ordered is the pizza with parma ham, rucola, parmesan, and cherry tomato, as well as ravioli pasta with rabbit.
Open and operating since 2013, for the wine, the food, and the atmosphere there is no better place to spill your deepest darkest secrets than this little corner of Podil.
Vero Vero
Ilynskaya 18
Podil, Kontraktova Pl / Location on the map
Hours: 08.00 – 23.00
+380 44 499 3929